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Locations - Overview

The Location module keeps track of your connected venues to events. Add information and track the location event history.

Thomas van Beek avatar
Written by Thomas van Beek
Updated over 3 months ago

Managing Your Locations in ABOSS

The Location Module in ABOSS is your central hub for managing all the locations in your database. These locations are automatically added when they are associated with an event or travel item. This guide will walk you through how to search, add, and update locations within the module, ensuring your location data is always up-to-date and easily accessible.

To access the Locations Module, simply navigate to the menu on the left.

Table of Contents

  1. Adding a New Location

  2. Searching for a Location

  3. Exporting Locations

  4. Updating and Changing Location Details

  5. Creating Locations from Events

1. Adding a New Location

If you need to add a new location to your database, follow these steps:

  • Hover Over the Three Standing Dots: Located at the top of the location list.

  • Click "Create New Location": In the pop-up window, you can either search for the location using our Google integration or manually enter the address information.

  • Complete the Location Database: Add additional information to your location entries to ensure your database is comprehensive and up-to-date.

2. Searching for a Location

You can easily search your location database using the search input located at the top of the location list. The search function allows you to find locations by name, city, region, contact name, or a specific function of a contact linked to the location. This feature helps you quickly locate the necessary information without scrolling through the entire list.

3. Exporting Locations

If you need to export your location data:

  • Perform a Search: Use the search function to find the specific locations you need to export.

  • Export the Selection: Hover over the three dots located at the top of the location list and click "Export Selection." This will allow you to download the selected locations for use in external reports or spreadsheets.

4. Updating and Changing Location Details

To update or change a location’s details, such as adding more information or correcting an address:

  • Navigate to the Location Module: Use the search function to find the location you want to update.

  • Make Changes: Once you’ve located the entry, you can update the details directly. Any changes you make will be saved immediately, ensuring your database remains accurate.

For more on how to complete your location database, check out this article.

5. Creating Locations from Events

When you create an event, you can easily add a location directly from the event creation process. All newly added locations via events will be automatically saved in your location database, making them available for future use.

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